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4 Ways Outsourcing Calendar Management Can Boost Your Business

Appointments, messages, scheduling travel and training, reminders, phone calls — whew! The list of things to do to maintain your schedule can be overwhelming.

Managing a calendar is a key part of life for any business owner, and it can leech a lot of time from your day. Yet some business owners are reluctant to assign this task. Handing over calendar management to someone else can feel as though you’ve lost control, or as if you’re handing over personal details to someone.

While hiring an administrator to manage your schedule might feel scary at first, there are four great reasons to give it a try:

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]You have better things to do. You are a key part of your business. You should not spend uncounted minutes inputting data into your calendar from email or waste an hour with emails back and forth to set up a time that fits everyone’s schedule. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Working smarter, not harder, means making more money. Some business owners feel that paying someone else to do something means losing that money. Quite the opposite. For example, if you charge $100 per hour for your time and can hire someone to manage any task for you for far less than that, you’ll make a profit on that hour as long as you’re out working.

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Free up brain space. Managing a business means using your brain to think big. You’ve got to think about the past, look ahead to the future, and come up with creativity all the time. Why waste precious brain space trying to cram in what time that meeting takes place? By hiring someone else to work on the minutiae, you can take your business to new places. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]Never miss a deadline. A day in the life of a business owner is full of little details. Argosy Business Solutions takes many of those off your plate so that you don’t have to worry about forgetting something. We’ll schedule appointments, take messages, input data, send you reminders and make phone calls.

What’s holding you back from outsourcing your schedule management? Put your mind at ease by contacting us today; we’re happy to answer any questions about our process.

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